Informing children of your impending divorce is one of the most challenging tasks a parent may face. How you approach the matter is pivotal in how well they deal with the news. The way you communicate this information makes a huge difference. A thoughtful presentation...
How can you make your divorce less contentious?
Divorce, often portrayed as a tumultuous and contentious process, does not have to be a battleground. Navigating this challenging chapter with grace and understanding can reduce animosity between you and your spouse. At times during your divorce, you may feel...
How does the court calculate child support in Pennsylvania?
Divorce is often a straightforward process, but your case can quickly become more complex based on the situation, especially if it involves children. If you and your former spouse have a child together, the court could consider their needs during proceedings,...
What does the court consider when making alimony decisions?
When a couple chooses to divorce, they could also face significant changes affecting their finances and lifestyles. The blow may be harsher for households where one spouse is the primary income earner while the other focuses on homemaking and child care...
4 reasons litigated instead of collaborative divorce is for you
The paradox behind collaborative divorce is that you must work amicably with the person you have a broken relationship with. The process requires you and your spouse to join forces while discussing going your separate ways. While collaborating with your respective...
Co-parenting plan concerns
Divorce comes with many complexities, and spouses must make many adjustments once the marriage legally dissolves. Not all divorces end with the spouses going entirely their separate ways, as those with children will rely on a co-parenting plan. Such plans require...
Three common tax implications of going through a divorce
Divorce can bring about significant tax consequences that might not be top of mind for someone going through the process. While taxes may not be your immediate concern, the decisions made during divorce proceedings can have lasting effects on your financial situation....
High-divorce rates among same-sex unions
After decades of unwavering advocacy to codify same-sex marriages, the United States Supreme Court finally legalized the unions in 2015. Fast forward to today, same-sex married couples enjoy the same legal right to divorce as straight-married couples. Looking at the...
Is collaborative divorce an option in Pennsylvania?
Pennsylvania allows collaborative divorce, a process by which you and your spouse draft a divorce agreement together. When a married couple can negotiate the terms on their own, the judge doesn't need to make decisions for them. You could avoid an expensive court...
Top tips for coping with divorce
When you're going through a divorce in Pennsylvania, you have a lot of things to worry about. Whether you have children or not, you could use some tips to make the process go more smoothly. Consider some of these tips if you're thinking about ending your marriage. Top...