With tax rules and regulations, it's important to follow any changes carefully as they may affect how you file your taxes after a divorce. One significant alteration to how taxes are handled in divorces occurred at the start of 2019. At that time, additional rules...
Month: March 2022
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What can you do to have the perfect divorce?
Many Pennsylvania couples whose marriages are ending want things to go as smoothly as possible. You can have the “perfect” divorce by following certain steps. Plan ahead and know that you truly want a divorce Although nothing in life is perfect, you should always plan...
How to divide 401(k)s, IRAs and annuities
Divorce is complex when it involves business and assets. Many things go on during a divorce, and taxes are probably not on people's minds. People have tax considerations to evaluate during a divorce in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Qualified assets include 401(k)s, IRAs...