More often, couples who are considering divorce want the matter to be over as peacefully and painlessly as possible. Some may even attempt the process without the assistance of an attorney because they fear involving attorneys will necessarily turn their divorce into...
Year: 2018
Estate planning one step at a time
There are many understandable reasons for postponing making an estate plan or revisiting the plan one made years ago. For many in Pennsylvania and across the country, procrastinating can lead to tragic consequences with families left to trudge through the loss of a...
Reviewing withholdings may prevent tax issues
Many Pennsylvania residents were shocked this spring when they completed their tax returns and discovered they owed money to the IRS. Others may have filled out their forms fully aware that they would be paying taxes since they owe money every year. Some may have tax...
Business law: Many over 50 starting new businesses
As one long work week grinds into another, many Pennsylvania workers yearn for the days of retirement. In addition to making their estate plans to provide adequate income, those nearing 50 may plan to downsize their homes to allow extra money and time for travel,...
Keep the focus of your custody practices on your children
For many couples facing divorce, child custody is one of the biggest disagreements. Both parents likely want to spend as much time as possible with the kids. In some cases, parents see the possibility of winning custody as a way of beating their ex in divorce. They...
Signs that a marriage is heading toward divorce
No two marriages end for the same reason, and factors that may bring one marriage to an end may cause another couple to grow stronger. Sometimes, it is a major event that creates an irreparable rift between spouses. However, more often, it is a series of little things...
Tax issues related to taxable and untaxable income
For some, tax preparation is on their minds all year long. A Pennsylvania worker may have numerous sources of income, run a business or simply fear that again this year, he or she will owe hundreds or thousands more than anticipated. When these tax issues arise, it...
Collaborative divorce offers many advantages
It is likely that few people heading for divorce in Pennsylvania want the process to be one of contention and struggle. After all, if the marriage is coming to an end, it is possible the couple has already had enough struggle. A litigated divorce is not only...
Entrepreneurs must consider many aspects of business law
Starting a business in Pennsylvania means tending to many details. Depending on the industry, an entrepreneur may have many aspects of business law to address, especially when the new company will include employees. Drafting an employee handbook is one effective way...
Estate planning when relationships are unclear
The importance of making an estate plan is something people in Pennsylvania have been hearing for decades. In some situations, the consequences of failing to plan for the future can be far-reaching. In fact, a man's lack of estate planning ended up before the...